Paris Flea Market

Discover MOB HOUSE, a unique ecological and social boutique hotel located in the legendary Puces de Paris, offering a sustainable and responsible accommodation experience, just a stone's throw from the MOB HOTEL. MOB HOUSE distinguishes itself through its commitment to eco-designed rooms (materials and craftsmanship), a certified organic restaurant-bar, natural, organic and made-in-France cosmetics, its MOB Shop made in Le Marais and its Patagonia boutique, to name but a few. A hotel with a large garden planted with trees, an outdoor swimming pool, a gym and a parking lot with electric recharging points.

Cyril Aouizerate, founder, Michel Reybier, Steve Case, Philippe Starck, Glyn Aeppel, Ariane Capital.

A universal vision of France

MOB HOUSE is first and foremost about rediscovering France as a destination and a reason to travel. A France which never confuses the love of its own people with the hatred of others. Because it is the most visited nation in the world. Because the unprecedented COVID crisis has led the French to rediscover and reclaim their own country. Because in a perfect world, France offers the most incredible diversity of landscapes and climates, natural and cultural heritages you could ever imagine. At the MOB HOUSE, France is physically present in everything and shared with all guests. Starting with the menu at its 200-seat brasserie, with a light-hearted new take on the grand classics of French gastronomy.

Social ecology

MOB HOUSE also takes the environment as a primary concern and social ecology as a guiding principle. From the building’s construction, with its emphasis on terracotta, wood or clay, to the furniture which uses natural materials first and foremost... From the catering devoted to fresh produce, small organic producers and short supply chains... Up to its 2,000 m2 of open-ground garden planted with trees. With, exclusively and as always at MOB, certified organic hygiene and cleaning products...


MOB HOUSE is above all a work that is dedicated to the very essence of wandering and hospitality. From the construction of the building, showcasing the expertise of craftsmen from France and Italy... Right down to the kitchen, where guests can see what they are going to eat. It has spaces reserved for the nomadic worker, who has wandered in for just an hour or a meet-up, for the day or for a works lunch. It has a shop full of stationary, drawing and writing implements to attract visitors and furnish workers which what they need. It has seminar rooms to accommodate teams who have come there for the facilities, but who will also find them exotic, welcoming and stimulating at the same time, capable of helping them to think, develop and produce their projects together. And finally, and perhaps more than anything, there is the "3-in-1 room" that embodies the central theme of work and production at MOB HOUSE. This is where work and rest, professional and private intersect without ever being confused. This is where, for the price of a night’s stay in a hotel, the travelling entrepreneur now has a large bedroom, an authentic meeting room and a real office in one and the same modular space.

MOB HOUSE means considering the concept of ​​luxury through an ironic relationship to time and the hybridisation of spaces. With its restaurant, gym, very high speed Wi-Fi, terraces and outdoor swimming pool, the hotel naturally fulfils all the requirements of a four-star hotel. However, the belief system of the creators who founded it is quite different. Because for them, the real value of what is offered and shared by MOB HOUSE with all of its guests lies beyond that. It’s a value that could be summed up as follows: time and space. The value of time being suspended, for an hour, a day or a whole week. Time for lunch, a night away or a stay... The luxury of a space that is open to everyone, somewhere halfway between work and leisure. It’s a place that hasn’t been diluted; on the contrary, it’s all about reconciliation between our professional and private life...


Finally, with MOB HOUSE, there are still a thousand other surprises, hidden references and little winks sometimes in the form of subtle mockery, which everybody is free to discover gradually as they go...